
Coopservice was created from the merger of two important service companies active in security and cleaning, Coopsicurezza (active since 1976) and Cierrepi (founded in 1972). The first headquarters were in Via Galliano, in Reggio Emilia. On 31 December 1990 there were 1,069 members out of 1239 employees. Revenues 48,975,645,000 and share capital 1,113,267,000 lire.

The cleaning cooperative "Coop 78" of Parma joins Coopservice.

The "Coop Nazionale Vigilanza" of Genoa joins Coopservice. Liguria becomes a strategic area of development for the cooperative.

The territorial expansion in the North East and in the Centre continues with the entry of the cooperatives "Promoservice" of Pordenone and the "Vigilia" Cooperative of Rome.
Coopservice takes over the cleaning company "Bergamaschi" of Bolzano, which also carries out activities of transport of "special" waste, mostly from hospitals. Coopservice's turnover exceeds 100 million euros equivalent.

With the purchase of "Federalpol", a security company present in Parma, Pescara and Chieti, Coopservice is expanding in Abruzzo.
"MGM", a historic Reggio Emilia cooperative in the logistics, removals and handling sector, joined Coopservice. In the same year Coopservice acquired "Servizi Italia", an industrial laundry with facilities in several Italian cities. The group's revenues exceed 270 million euros. Coopservice employs more than 8,000 people.

The purchase of "Vigilanza Adriatica" (Rimini) and "IPVP" (Forlì) paves the way for the development of Coopservice in Romagna and the Adriatic area.
This was the year that Servizi Italia was listed on the stock exchange. The operation is a great success and will be important for the development of the Cooperative and its main subsidiary.

Coopservice moves its headquarters from Cavriago to Pratofontana di Reggio Emilia, in Via Rochdale no. 5. A few hundred metres away is the Medio Padana station on the Milan-Rome high-speed line.

On 1 January 2010 the Istituto di Vigilanza "Executive" of Sassari was incorporated. This operation marks the beginning of Coopservice's strong expansion in Sardinia.
Approval of the 2012-2014 Strategic Plan, which broadens the Cooperative's ambitions in the field of integrated facility services. The assembly in Zola Predosa on 30 June 2012 approved the new Articles of Association and regulations. The corporate purpose was extended, the role of the investor member was strengthened and the figure of the honorary member was created. In July 2012 Servizi Italia landed in Brazil by acquiring 50% of a Brazilian company based in Sao Paulo.
With the incorporation into Coopservice of the two subsidiaries operating in the logistics - "Log's" - and facility management - "Simtek" sectors, the objective of expanding the range of services to be offered to customers with a view to integration and global service continues to be pursued.
The integration of "Argo", a historic security cooperative in Florence founded in 1915, strengthens the company's presence in Tuscany. Gesta", an important company belonging to the CCPL group, is acquired with the aim of strengthening the technical-maintenance services and facility management sector.

With the new three-year strategic plan 2015-2017 presented at the Malaguzzi Centre on 24 April 2015, Coopservice is preparing to face the new challenges of the future. It strengthens its presence in Lazio with the acquisition of the business unit related to the transport, counting and safekeeping of valuables of the Metropol of Frosinone with two new operating offices in the provinces of Frosinone and Latina.
t is the year of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Coopservice and in March the book "Coopservice, 25 years of work and growth" is presented. At the end of June at the Valli Theatre of Reggio Emilia, during the General Assembly of Delegates, the anniversary is celebrated with a special event dedicated to the growth of people, services and territories. The group's revenues exceed 750 million euros and the number of employees exceeds 18,000.
In April, the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan was presented, setting ambitious goals for growth and development. There are five areas of intervention: acting on the cooperative identity, promoting an innovative approach, pursuing operational excellence, supporting growth, valuing people.
In June, during the General Assembly of Delegates in Modena, the new Coopservice logo was presented. A fresh, dynamic and contemporary logo that recalls the distinctive values of Coopservice: centrality of people and cooperative identity, propensity towards innovation and sustainability.
The incorporation of Gesta, Electric System and Adpersonam pursues increasingly important objectives of integration and synergy, through the enhancement of the experience and high specialisation achieved by these companies over years of presence at the top of the market. In March 2020 the pandemic devastates Italy. Coopservice is engaged in the front line to ensure essential services of hygiene and sanitation, logistics, surveillance and security in hospitals, transport, shopping centres and workplaces to prevent and combat the spread of the virus.
In 2021 the cooperative celebrates its 30th anniversary and the artist Armando Orfeo creates a commemorative work. The 2020 budget, approved in June, presents extraordinary results in terms of volumes, profits and profitability. The Coopservice Group exceeds €1 billion in turnover and the number of employees rises to over 25,000.