Page Title - Codice Etico


Our Ethical Code

Codice Etico - NEW

Coopservice, in order to ensure that the behaviour of all those who operate on behalf of or in the interest of the Company is always in compliance with the law and consistent with the principles of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities, has adopted the Code of Ethics and the Organisational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
With these instruments, we aim to prevent and counter the risk of committing offences, in compliance with and within the implementation plan of Legislative Decree 231/01, as well as, consequently, economic efficiency and moralisation in internal (top management, management, workers) and external relations, in order also to foster uniformity of conduct, in compliance with the law, and the consolidation of our image induced by a positive corporate reputation.The latest version of Model 231 bears the date of 29 February 2024.

The Code of Ethics, adopted since 2005, defines the cooperative's ethical and moral standards, indicating the lines of conduct that must be strictly adhered to by directors, board of statutory auditors, worker-members, employees, collaborators, subventing members, customers, suppliers, business partners, subcontractors, consultants and anyone who performs, in any capacity, representative functions, even de facto.The latest version of the Code of Ethics bears the date of 26 September 2019.

In 2019, the company, consistent with its value system and as a further confirmation of its commitment against unlawful conduct and the fight against corruption (active and passive, public and private), adopted an Anti-Bribery Management System in compliance with the international standard ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery management system), which it has included in its integrated management system.

All stakeholders to whom the Code of Ethics and the Anti-Bribery Management System apply are required to report any violation of the Anti-Bribery Management System in general, of the company policy and/or of any Anti-Bribery Law of which they may have become aware, even indirectly, in the course of their activities.To this end, the company has set up a special reporting channel (Whistleblowing) in accordance with Legislative Decree 24/2023. Ordinary communication channels are also provided for communications outside the objective scope of the aforementioned Decree.