Energy and Facility Management
By making available its proven team of professionals, Coopservice offers design and management solutions for Global Service and Facility Management, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of buildings, technical management of technological and thermal systems, energy efficiency, optimisation of the performance of public lighting, identification of the best solutions and management of fire prevention requirements.
Coopservice designs and implements complex plant engineering constructions such as technological, mechanical and electrical power plants, working both in large service facilities such as hospitals and in new buildings in general, and in the renovation of civil, industrial and commercial buildings.
The aim of these advanced, integrated services is to rationalise and improve the quality of a whole series of activities that are 'no-core' for the client, whether public or private. Not a series of aggregated services, but a single, planned result. Attentive to the evolution of global scenarios, through strategic partnerships, Coopservice invests in energy-saving projects, as well as in the research of key technologies for the development of new sustainable energy carriers.
The aim is to create a model of innovation for the immediate future, 100% made in Italy.
Coopservice has UNI CEI 11352 certification for the provision of energy services in the public sector, thus qualifying as an E.S.CO. (Energy Service Company). (Energy Service Company) through which the client can pursue energy saving and efficiency projects, with a guarantee of results and without incurring investment costs and business risks.
Coopservice therefore presents itself as an all-round operator of integrated energy services which guarantee the client the achievement of maximum efficiency objectives as well as significant advantages in terms of safety and environmental compatibility.
- System Maintenance
- System Management
- Remote Monitoring and Control of Technological Systems
- Heating Management
- Energy Supply
- Energy Efficiency
- Sustainable Energy
- Smart Public Lighting Management
- Grounds Maintenance
- Fire Safety
- Combined Heath and Power (CHP)
- Energy Service Company
- Energy Audit and Diagnosis
- Audit e Diagnosi Energetica

Ordinary maintenance includes the activities and services necessary to keep the buildings and systems contracted in efficient condition. Extraordinary maintenance can be broken down into prevention, correction and improvement according to schedules agreed with the customer.
Our system management service includes all the technical activities necessary to achieve the planned performance in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, physical environment comfort and compliance with regulations.
Coopservice implements remote management and remote control of systems and buildings, constantly monitoring the parameters of environmental comfort, continuously adapting them to external climatic conditions. In this way the perfect comfort of spaces and environments is ensured, while optimising the consumption of energy carriers.
The heat management service provided by Coopservice includes all the activities that are vital for the working efficiency of a technical plant. The achievement of project climatic parameters is ensured to allow reducing energy consumption.
‘Servizio Energia’ is a multiannual contract for outsourcing the energy cycle management to a specialist company: the aim is to reduce the consumption necessary to maintain the physical environment comfort. Under the ‘Servizio Energia’ contract, Coopservice bears the cost of the initial investments required and the responsibility for reaching the planned results.
The energy efficiency of existent buildings is achieved by designing measures aimed at improving their energy class. Three different types of measures can be planned: thermal insulation, alternative energy production methods, increasing the efficiency of the heating system.
In the field of renewable energy sources, Coopservice promotes projects such as solar thermal and photovoltaic systems, according to the configuration best suited to the energy needs of the building-plant system and the characterization of the environment and buildings. Coopservice is also a general contractor for the installation and management of solid biomass and livestock waste plants, and other energy efficiency interventions such as thermal insulation, replacement of windows and the installation of high-efficiency heat pumps, including through the use of tax and environmental incentive mechanisms, with "turnkey" solutions, from design to construction of the plants.
The improvement of public lighting systems is among the main measures taken by public authorities to reduce management costs. Coopservice offers a variety of technologies that can be used to save on energy costs. The investments made are repaid directly from energy savings.
Coopservice provides complete grounds maintenance services, with modular turnkey packages for the design, the realization as well as the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of green areas, including a wide range of specialized activities.
Coopservice offers a 360° package of services in the fire-fighting sector, providing the best solutions for the specific needs of the client. Specifically, Coopservice guarantees the design of systems and equipment for detection (sensors), evacuation, extinguishing, compartmentalisation, ensuring full coverage of the installation and maintenance phases, testing and assistance.
Technology for the simultaneous production of electricity and heat through the exploitation of a single source (natural gas, fuel oil, biomass) in a single integrated system. By recovering unused heat, it allows maximum efficiency while keeping the environmental impact and primary energy consumption low.
Technique for the financing of public or private projects capable of generating, in the management phase, energy savings and cash flows sufficient to repay the debt contracted for its implementation and remunerate the risk capital made available by the lenders. Thanks to the diversified nature of its activities, Coopservice can confer within the Special Purpose Vehicle its specific skills as a civil and plant engineering constructor and as a manager of integrated services.
Energy Service Companies (E.S.CO) are companies that, through EPC (Energy Performance Contract) contracts, carry out interventions aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the client's installations or premises, assuming the risk of the investment and guaranteeing the achievement of the results. Coopservice has the qualification of E.S.Co. according to the UNI CEI 11352:2014 certification for the provision of energy services in the public sector.
At the basis of every energy optimisation or redevelopment project, the audit allows an in-depth analysis of the energy consumption of the building-installation system through measurements and inspections. This allows the preparation of an energy diagnosis (E.D.) that leads to the identification of the necessary efficiency and energy saving interventions according to indicators (Key Performance Indicator, K.P.I.) that determine the objectives to be achieved. For each objective, the best technical and economic solutions are assessed, increasing safety and comfort conditions and reducing operating costs.