Coopservice has maintained an Environmental Management System compliant with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 since 2006.
This certification certifies that Coopservice effectively identifies, evaluates and monitors the environmental aspects connected with the activities carried out at the sites and places where services are provided, in order to prevent all forms of pollution and reduce, where possible, the impact on the surrounding environment.
Certification has also been confirmed for the Coopservice Sevizi Fiduciari Group company.
Certificate: UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
First certification: 08/05/2006
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Private Security Institutes
Certificate: UNI 10891:2000
First certification: 28/03/2006
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Coopservice has obtained since 2006 the certification of its security services according to UNI 10891:2000: Private Security Institutes-Requirements. This standard defines the minimum requirements for the services provided by private security institutions of any legal nature and which operate in accordance with the legislation in force; in particular, it contains indications for the institutions relating to the provision of each individual service: from security (inspection, fixed, anti-theft, anti-shoplifting) to remote surveillance, tele-surveillance, remote assistance, remote control; from intervention services to custody, escort, transport of valuables and treatment of money and similar goods. The results obtained over the years and the surveys carried out on the degree of customer satisfaction have further confirmed Coopservice's ability to maintain a high level of quality perceived by customers, responding to their needs with services and performances that meet their expectations.
Telesurveillance centres
Certificate: UNI 50518:2014
First certification: 18/06/2009 (IMQ)
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
In 2009 Coopservice, the first in Italy, obtained the certification of the Pomezia Operations Centre according to the UNI 11068:2005 standard Telesurveillance Centres-Procedural, structural and control characteristics. The UNI 50518:2014 certification, which replaced the 11068:2005 standard, was renewed for 2020 and attests that the Operations Centre and the services provided are designed, built and organised according to procedures that guarantee efficient performance and in compliance with specific quality indexes, in accordance with current legislation and the contractual requirements established with the customer of the service itself. There are currently two certified Operations Centres for remote crime and fire surveillance services: Pomezia (Rome) and Genoa. All the Coopservice Operations Centres in Italy meet the requirements of standard 10891:2000 and constitute a network of highly technological centres.
Airport and civil aviation security services
Certificate: UNI EN 16082:2011
First certification: 11/11/2018
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
In 2018 Cooopservice, one of the first surveillance institutes in Europe, obtained the certification of its airport security services according to the European standard UNI EN16082:2011 "Airport and civil aviation security services". The standard specifies the requirements for the quality of airport security services in terms of: organization (insurance, business continuity management, ...), processes and contracts, personnel management (highly professionalizing recruitment and specific training) and management for a security service provider, operating in full compliance with applicable laws. In recent years, security in the civil aviation sector has become essential and strategic. Security services for passengers, baggage and cargo have been entrusted to private security institutions with the necessary ministerial authorisations, but a tool is needed to help identify the best partner by objectively assessing the quality of the services offered. Strongly desired by stakeholders in the sector, first and foremost airport operators, the standard is part of this context to respond to the request to qualify the reliability of suppliers in a highly sensitive sector such as airport security. Coopservice obtained at Olbia-Costa Smeralda airport the certification of its airport services fully satisfies this need of the sector, distinguishing itself from its competitors for the high efficiency and quality of its security processes.
In 2020 Coopservice obtained EU Ecolabel certification for indoor cleaning services identified by the Green Leaf by Coopservice label, designed to identify and enhance green services with reduced environmental impact that we design and deliver.
The EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental excellence, awarded by an independent body, to products and services that meet high environmental standards throughout their life cycle, also taking into account the average lifespan of the products, their reusability/recyclability, reduction of packaging and their recycled material content.
The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and CO2 during the production process. The EU Ecolabel criteria provide strict guidelines for companies seeking to reduce their environmental impact and ensure the efficiency of their environmental actions through third party controls.
We at Coopservice have put environmental sustainability at the heart of our development strategies and actions. We offer eco-sustainable services and solutions with low impact and high effectiveness and help our customers to achieve their sustainability and environmental protection objectives by fostering a virtuous path of change and improvement for the benefit of all.
In Green Leaf services we use:
- certified ecological products;
- low-emission equipment and vehicles;
- working methods that reduce the use of chemical agents and limit waste;
- recycled/recyclable materials and separate waste collection systems;
- energy solutions from renewable sources.
All this while maintaining the high quality of performance and effectiveness of the service offered.
Protecting the health and safety of workers, as well as a legal obligation and an opportunity to reduce social costs, is a moral duty of every company and every employer. All company figures participate, with different responsibilities and roles, in this task.
UNI ISO 45001 of 2018 "Management systems for health and safety at work - Requirements and guidance for use" is the first international standard to define minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers worldwide. It establishes a framework for improving safety, reducing workplace risks and improving the health and well-being of workers, thus enabling any organization that chooses to certify its management system under accreditation to increase its health and safety performance. Certification has also been confirmed for the Coopservice Sevizi Fiduciari Group company.
Certificate: ISO 45001:2018
First certification: 27/02/2011
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Coopservice has always ensured compliance with current labour regulations by adopting economic treatment for its members and employees that respects trade union, national, regional and provincial agreements. Pursuing the constant search for improvement, it has decided to integrate its Quality, Environment and Safety Management System with the requirements of Social Accountability, better known through the acronym SA8000:2014 (Social Accountability).
Certificate: SA 8000:2014
First certification: 13/01/2011
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Coopservice has achieved Gender Equality certification according to the UNI/PdR 125:2022 standard.
Adherence to the standard demonstrates the willingness of organizations to adopt a systemic path of cultural change in order to achieve more equitable gender equality.
Coopservice is committed to adopting policies and measures to promote women's employment, equal opportunities in access to work, income equality, equal access to career and training opportunities, full implementation of paternity leave, welfare programs to support care loads, measuring their progress and results through the preparation of specific kpi.
Family Audit
Coopservice ha intrapreso nel 2022 l’iter di certificazione per il Family Audit che è giunto al termine in data 04/05/2023.
La Provincia Autonoma di Trento, in qualità di Ente di certificazione dello standard Family Audit ha iscritto Coopservice al numero 297 del Registro delle organizzazioni certificate.
Coopservice con il rilascio del certificato Family Audit entra nella fase attuativa del processo di certificazione di durata triennale. Inizia pertanto il percorso di attuazione delle azioni di miglioramento previste dal piano aziendale che verrà monitorato e validato a cadenza annuale.
Il Family Audit è una certificazione aziendale volontaria che riconosce l'impegno di un'organizzazione per l’adozione di misure volte a favorire il bilanciamento famiglia e lavoro del proprio personale.
La certificazione è rilasciata dalla Provincia Autonoma di Trento, che riconosce il marchio Family Audit alle organizzazioni che si impegnano in un percorso di tre anni e mezzo finalizzato alla definizione e alla messa in pratica di un Piano di attività di conciliazione.
Lo standard di certificazione è diffuso a livello nazionale e riconosciuto a livello internazionale, ed innesca un ciclo virtuoso di miglioramento continuo che offre la possibilità di entrare in un network di enti ed aziende che mirano a diventare ambienti di lavoro a misura di persona.
Pagina istituzionale dell’Agenzia per la Coesione Sociale https://www.trentinofamiglia.it/Certificazioni-e-reti/Family-Audit/Certificazione-Family-Audit
Video istituzionale dell’Agenzia per la Coesione Sociale della Provincia Autonoma di Trento di presentazione del Family Audit https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1403978186686972
Coopservice has maintained a Quality Management System in compliance with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001 since 1996. This certification attests that Coopservice's processes, both the primary ones connected to the supply and those supporting the functioning of the organization, are planned, carried out and controlled in an effective manner, to guarantee the customer and his needs. Certification has also been confirmed for the Coopservice Sevizi Fiduciari Group company.
Certificate: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
First certification: 26/01/1996
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
The certification of compliance of the management system with ISO 37001 - Management systems for the prevention of corruption - has several advantages for the organisations that adopt it:
it strengthens the company's reputation and image,
- ensures the market and stakeholders about the effectiveness and reliability of the processes that the company implements to prevent corruption,
- is a distinctive element in relation to competition.
The management system for the prevention of bribery is intended to help the company prevent, detect and deal with corrupt phenomena and to comply with the relevant laws.
By adopting the directives of the standard, Coopservice rejects, prevents and contrasts all forms of bribery in the broadest sense of the term, i.e. any form of abuse for private purposes or practice of malfeasance, integrated with the promise, induction, instigation, request, offer of incentives or other benefits as a reward to a person to perform or omit to perform actions, whether due or not.
By adopting the directives of the Coopservice standard, Coopservice rejects, prevents and counteracts all forms of corruption in the broadest sense of the term, i.e. any form of abuse for private purposes or practice of malfeasance, supplemented with a promise, induction, instigation, request, offer of incentives or other benefits as a reward for a person to perform or omit to perform actions, whether due or not. Coopservice also rejects, prevents and opposes any form of corruption, between private individuals or towards the Public Administration, attempted, integrated, instigated to the advantage or disadvantage of the Company, suffered or perpetrated towards an external party, whatever the relationship existing with the same.
Certificate: ISO 37001:2016
First certification: 29/12/2018
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Road safety
A fine 2022 Coopservice ottiene la certificazione sulla sicurezza stradale secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 39001, per i servizi di Vigilanza Ispettiva, Intervento sugli allarmi, Vigilanza Fissa, Scorta Valori, Trasporto Valori e Portierato, forniti dalla Linea Security Services.
La norma UNI EN ISO 39001 è lo standard internazionale per la gestione della sicurezza stradale che comprende tutti gli aspetti della gestione del rischio e della conformità legislativa. Con l’implementazione del sistema di gestione RTS – Road Traffic Management System certificato ISO 39001, Coopservice contribuisce attivamente alla riduzione del rischio di incidenti gravi in relazione al traffico stradale, migliorando nel tempo i livelli di sicurezza dei propri lavoratori.
Coopservice può in questo modo monitorare il numero di infortuni derivanti da collisioni stradali, controllando e gestendo tutto quanto sia sotto la propria influenza. Il Sistema di gestione RTS ha come scopo la prevenzione, il controllo, il monitoraggio dei rischi ed il miglioramento continuo delle prestazioni in materia di sicurezza stradale e consente la corretta gestione ed il monitoraggio costante di tutte le attività e dei processi ad esse correlate. Inoltre, il sistema di gestione per la sicurezza stradale ISO 39001 garantisce:
- l’aumento dell’efficienza e delle prestazioni di Coopservice attraverso una rivisitazione dei processi produttivi e delle dinamiche organizzative;
- la riduzione degli incidenti derivanti da collisioni stradali;
- la riduzione di ricorso ad azioni legali;
- il miglioramento nel tempo dei livelli di sicurezza dei lavoratori di Coopservice;
- la promozione della sensibilizzazione verso gli aspetti legati alla sicurezza stradale.
Coopservice holds the UNI CEI 11352:2014 certification for the provision of energy services in the public sector. The qualification of E.S.CO. (Energy Service Company) allows to pursue energy saving and efficiency projects with guaranteed results.
The E.S.CO. are in fact companies that carry out interventions aimed at improving energy efficiency, i.e. measures to improve energy efficiency in the installations or in the user's premises by assuming the risk of the initiative and freeing the end customer from any organizational and investment burden.
This is the important recognition of an integral element of the company's system of values: the balance between the logic of effectiveness and efficiency, which aim at customer satisfaction, and attention to the environment, for sustainable socio-economic development.
Certificate: UNI CEI 11352:2014
First certification: 10/12/2012
Certified by: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
The SOA certificate is a mandatory certification for participation in public works tenders, i.e. a necessary and sufficient document to prove the company's ability to carry out public and private works. The SOA certify and guarantee that the company, in the construction sector, possesses all the requirements provided for by the current regulations in the field of works for Public Contracts.
OG 1 | VIII | OG 9 | III-BIS |
OG 10 | IV-BIS | OG 11 | VII |
OS 3 | III-BIS | OS 5 | II |
OS 28 | V | OC 30 | V |
La norma UNI CEI EN ISO 50001 "Sistemi di gestione dell'energia - Requisiti e linee guida per l'uso" è la versione italiana della norma internazionale ISO 50001.
La norma specifica i requisiti per creare, avviare, mantenere e migliorare un sistema di gestione dell'energia. L'obiettivo di tale sistema è di consentire che un'organizzazione persegua, con un approccio sistematico, il miglioramento continuo della propria prestazione energetica comprendendo in questa l'efficienza energetica nonché il consumo e l'uso dell'energia. L'edizione attualmente in vigore è di settembre 2018.
La Certificazione FGas è il documento che attesta l’idoneità di imprese e lavoratori a gestire i gas fluorurati responsabili dell’effetto serra. In particolare, serve alle imprese che gestiscono ed effettuano attività d'installazione e manutenzione impianti, che sono obbligate ad ottenere il patentino gas fluorurati.
La normativa legata alla certificazione FGAS, la D.P.R. n. 146 del 16 novembre 2018, disciplina chi obbligatoriamente deve possedere il certificato fgas e i gas fluorurati a effetto serra, sostituendo e integrando il vecchio D.P.R n.43 del 27/01/2012.
Coopservice ha completato nel 2022 l’iter di certificazione Sistema di Gestione BIM ai sensi della UNI/PdR 74:2019.
La Certificazione Sistema di Gestione BIM è una certificazione aziendale volontaria che attesta il rispetto, da parte dell’organizzazione, dei requisiti di qualità necessari per garantire efficienza e trasparenza del processo di produzione e gestione di contenuti informativi relativi agli asset immobiliari e impiantistici oggetto delle attività aziendali.
La prassi di riferimento è predisposta in coerenza con la UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, ai fini dell’inquadramento nel Sistema di Gestione Integrato aziendale. La certificazione è rilasciata da Bureau Veritas Italia. La prassi di riferimento UNI/PdR 74:2019 è diffusa a livello nazionale, l’impianto normativo UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 è riconosciuto a livello internazionale. La Certificazione Sistema di Gestione BIM aziendale è garanzia, per tutti gli attori del processo di gestione dei contenuti informativi digitali, del rispetto da parte di Coopservice degli standard qualitativi riconosciuti a livello nazionale e internazionale.
Coopservice has achieved ISO 27001 certification as a demonstration of the best practices the company is implementing in terms of information security. The certification provides an independent and qualified check that information security is being managed in line with international best practices and business objectives.
The standard enables a comprehensive approach to information security in all relevant areas-from documents in digital format to those in paper format, to hardware equipment (computers and networks) to staff skills. It ensures that information (including customer-related and confidential information) is managed with appropriate levels of confidentiality, integrity and availability, balancing protection needs and investment.